How do you know if someone is a black magician?

by Sep 13, 2014

Black magicians are very good at covering their tracks. Apart from one or two openly black magicians (this is starting to sound like a gay outing), they don’t go advertising. They dress the same way as and me, they talk the way we do, and they may not even have an interest in the occult.

Few consciously decide to become a black magician – there is grooming going for students on by other black magicians, such as starting on low risk illegal drugs before working up to crack cocaine – with this particular drug addiction, it is very hard to get out of. Being a black magician is very  profitable, with lots of sexual partners, and the glamour of astral travelling to some demonic region (I just avoid certain areas of the town I live in).

Some black magicians have been friends of mine, until I eventually realised what they were. It can take time to figure things out.

Signs of a black magician

There are two particular tell-tale signs that I will to share with you. The first is that they are often incredibly camera-shy as their image is used against them. If you search on-line you may turn up a blank – nothing beyond a name, no picture. Having said that I have seen many photos of black magicians plastered over Facebook.

The second tell-tale is harder to discover – for obvious reasons – magicians are often so obsessively clean about their home; OCD with a sinister purpose.

Sorry to disappoint – finding the smoking gun is incredibly hard to find. There are better, more advanced techniques of discovering if someone is a black magician, but I am hardly going to help them evade detection, am I?

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