Islamic Magic

The Ghayb – Seeing the Unseen

The Ghayb – Seeing the Unseen

The Ghayb - Seeing the Unseen in Sufism The Ghayb or Unseen is the Unknown. For the student, the Guru or Sufi Master represents the Unknown.  The Supreme Knowledge or gift of the Sufis is to find and enter the Ghayb, but to do is a prolonged test of character, of...

Lataif for spiritual growth

Lataif for spiritual growth

The Lataif  or subtleties are the psychic organs of supersensory perception that can only be activated by a Sufi Master as part of the Great Work, the goal of Alchemy. Each of the Six Lataif have to be purified in order for you to become Complete. The Lataif are:...



The Naqsh-e-Sulaimani recites the 99 Names of God using rosary beads to count.  Repeating the Names brings spiritual energy and knowledge. The Names are also recited during Dhikr. The Naqsh-e-Sulaimani uses numbers in squares, and is  the most powerful way...

The Jinn in the Koran

The Jinn in the Koran

Sura 72 of the Koran describes the Jinn listening to the Prophet Mohammed giving a sermon.